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Talk crowdfunding in healthcare in this Google Hangout (#mhvf)

It’s your turn to join the 250 investors, entrepreneurs and other healthcare leaders at today’s MidAmerica Healthcare Venture Forum. More than a half-dozen authorities on crowdfunding in healthcare will take part in a panel session, “Crowdfunding and the Jobs Act in Healthcare” starting at 10:10 a.m. Central Time. The session is a series of one-on-one […]

Health IT

Tune in live (right now!) for this talk on wearables in healthcare

Welcome to MedCity News’ March hangout on how move with digital health into the mainstream, with a focus on wearables in healthcare, where we’re talking with entrepreneurs working to bring digital health to the rest of us: doctors running their own practices, pharmacists working to improve medical adherence, people living with chronic conditions and companies […]

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Health IT

VIDEO: How entrepreneurs are making big data make sense

Today is our February Hangout and we’ll be talking about entrepreneurs who are wrangling big streams of data into manageable intelligence. We also will have a doctor in on the conversation to have a provider-centric reality check in place. Scroll down to see examples of a blood test result from WellnessFX. Tweet your questions to […]